Sabtu, 05 September 2009

General English Assignment

Name :Ratna Dewi

NIM :2007110192

Class :Marketing , 11-2C

Main Idea:

Wayang Opera

Kebaya Fashion Entertainment Programme

Jaipong Dance

Educational Drama Musical


Educational drama musical is the best way to develop entertainment programme in Indonesia because it is attractive, creative, and providing knowledge. It is attractive because it is a new concept that never been used in Indonesia. It uses visual learning in the term of acting, and audio (example: music) to enhance learning behavior. The stage arrangement that suits the theme makes audience become one with the atmosphere. It is a creative idea because it combines education with stage art and music. It could also re-create and reflecting the situation that happened in the past so that it seems happen again right in front of the audience. It is also considered creative because creativity is needed to customizing education to become a theatrical act that can be consumed by the audience. The idea of having drama musical to provide knowledge is a new way of learning method. Other than introducing Indonesian instrument, audience could also learn stage art by watching the drama. It is also a great way to remember knowledge easily. Overall, educational drama musical will be the first entertainment programme that will make audience enthusiast while learning many subjects as an education.

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